<H1> wHO wE aRE </H1> |
<H1> SO FAR WE ARE: </H1> |
<H2> The Disc Initiatives </H2> |
<H2> G-Raise Mentorship Program </H2> |
<H2> We do this in three stages: </H2> |
<H2> G-Raise Mentorship Programme </H2> |
<H2> Who we're looking for: </H2> |
<H2> Our Partners </H2> |
<H2> What we do </H2> |
<H2> Join The Newsletter </H2> |
Total Grants </H3> |
Total Scholarship </H3> |
Funds We Collected </H3> |
<H3> Please Select </H3> |
<H3> Our Team </H3> |
<H3> Hello! </H3> |
Have Any Question
</H4> |
<H5> The DISC Initiatives was a renaissance of the Donyo youths in Collaboration with Charles Ochieng founded in the year 2008. Its Establishment if founded on the basis of responding to the youths un-employment culture. It has slowly evolved and scaled in search of community empowerment and transformation through enabling and promoting communities for Change in Kenya. </H5> |
<H5> The DISC G-raise accelerator program aims at supporting community based early phase/starting social impact ventures – Known to us as ‘LOCAL CHAMPIONS’ –who are motivated, encouraged and enthusiastic with solutions to local problems in Kenya’s disadvantaged communities. </H5> |
<H5> G-Raise accelerator program seeks to work within the framework of DISC/ Gnu foundation social business program and strive to invite other partners to scale up to reach to many local champions. The model will involve taking up equity into these social enterprises so that we can work with them to support their growth, and then allow them to buy us off as soon as they have adequate traction to operate on their own or to take external equity or debt under commercial terms. </H5> |
<H5> Many youths have brilliant ideas and solutions to societal problems but lack the enabling support to scale this into fully fledged business operations. We are looking to support ventures which we select to go through a one year incubation program. The program will include a live in session, mentorship support and monthly/ periodic follow-up/ support. During this period, the business models are refined, strengthened and get equipped with the tools needed to operate as viable social-impact enterprises. While profitability will be key to these businesses, there will also be an emphasis on ensuring that they create a positive social impact to the community. </H5> |
<H5> Upon selection and receiving the required advisory support, the businesses will be supported with startup financing which will be equity. The startup financing will be equal to 1,000 US Dollars given through two phases of 500 US Dollars each. The 1st batch will be given upon selection and completion of the initial business setup/ improvement phase which will be after about one month after the initial intake. The second phase will be given out 6 months after monitoring the business operations and follow-up with the mentoring. This will be enjoined with the coaching and business mentor-ship, on key areas such as marketing, legal requirements and financial operations. The financing will be in form of equity but our aim will be to exit as soon as we are comfortable that these startups have picked up well. At that point, we allow them to buy us off as soon as they have adequate traction to operate on their own or to take external equity or debt under commercial terms. </H5> |
<H5> The last part of what we want to achieve is to ensure that the successful and highly impactful G-raise local champions move into scale where they are able to take external debt or equity to expand operations. At that point, they will graduate to a point that they can be referred to other institutions that may provide financial support beyond what G-raise and our partner network can offer. </H5> |
<H5> Venture: It’s our belief that solutions to poverty are entrepreneurial in nature, so we focus primarily on startups or early stage ventures that exist to improve access to education, Agriculture, healthcare, Job creation and Science and Technology transfer among other innovative and creative ways. </H5> |
<H5> Local Champion: You’re a local of the area who intimately understands the problems that you are trying to solve. You must be 18 to 30 years old and has resided a maximum of 10 years in the same community you are trying to impact socially. Or you are an individual who is 40 years and below and already doing a social impacting venture for the last 5 years that’s supporting or has the capacity to support and pass technology and knowledge transfer to youths below the age of 18 to 30 years in the community. </H5> |
<H5> Early Stage: The venture should already be launched 1 year before this application or run as a pilot and has some early traction or proof of concept. You will typically have less than 2-10 customers or clients or beneficiaries. </H5> |
<H5> Ventures that are improving lives: At the end of the day, we exist to improve the lives of people living in poverty. If you believe your venture is improving the lives of people living in poverty, we encourage you to apply. </H5> |
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